The Ghana Health Service is for all people in Ghana irrespective of age, sex, ethnic background and religion.
The service requires collaboration between health workers, patients/clients and society. Thus the attainment of optimal health care is dependent on Team Work.
Health facilities must therefore provide for and respect the rights and responsibilities of patients/clients, families, health workers and other health care providers. They must be sensitive to patient’s socio-cultural and religious backgrounds, age, gender and other differences as well as the needs of patients with disabilities.
The Ghana Health Service expects health care institutions to adopt the patient’s charter to ensure that service personnel as well as patients/clients and their families understand their rights and responsibilities.
This Charter is made to protect the rights of the patients in the Ghana Health Services. It addresses
- The right of the individual to an easily accessible, equitable and comprehensive health care of the highest quality within the resources of the country
- Respect the patients as an individual with a right of choice in the decision of his/her health care plans.
- The right to protection from discrimination based on culture, ethnicity, language, religion, gender, age and type of illness or disability.
- The responsibility of the patient/client for personal and communal health through preventive promotive and simple curative strategies.